Twinning programme PELE TRUST

Twinning with the educational group Pele Trust in Newcastle-Upon-Avon, Great Britain, in the school year 2022-23, was a particularly important event for the English Department of our Primary school.  

The main objective of the educational activities that were carried out throughout the school year by Level 6 pupils was to bring young learners of the different schools closer and encourage them to work in teams on carefully selected topics related to their interests. 

During the year, school students completed assignments in English on: 

  • The history of their schools
  • School life
  • Their city
  • Their habits and daily life
  • National anniversaries and their celebration
  • Religious holidays
  • Their favourite pastime

The culmination of this year’s successful collaboration was the trip to England, where our students had the opportunity to become familiar with the everyday life and culture of a foreign country. 

During the trip, they visited Darras Hall Primary School, where they were actively involved in the educational process, played with their English classmates during break time, participated in sports and free play outside, presented their work and interacted with both pupils and teachers using the English language. 

The educational trip also included a tour of important sights and museums in England, as well as watching a theatrical performance. 

 Their visit to the school and their active participation in all the activities along with the images from the places they visited filled our Level 6 pupils with new experiences and wonderful memories. 

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