Our trip to Oxford – July 2018
This summer our high-school students visited Oxford Brookes University. During our trip, they had the unique chance to visit many different places and do a number of interesting activities. As you can see below, the students learnt how to play “rounders” (photo 4). Then, we visited Blenheim Palace (photos 5-6). Visiting Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-Upon-Avon, was such a great experience (photo 7). Our next stop was Warwick Castle (photos 8-9). Next, we took a tour of the colleges and libraries in Oxford. (Bodleian Library: photo 10). Our day trip to London was full of exciting activities! We visited Buckingham Palace and the British museum, we went for a walk at St. James Park and we cruised on river Thames. To make our visit even greater, we watched Matilda, the musical (photos 11-16)! Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and we had to leave Oxford. In the last picture, you can see our proud graduates of the summer course in Oxford Brookes University. (photo 18).